====== Linux misc ======
===== docker commands =====
{{ :system:linuxos:docker-whale-home-logo.png?200 |}}
docker pull ubuntu:14.04
docker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
docker attach mycontainername
docker start mycontainername
docker stop mycontainername
sudo docker export mycontainername | gzip -9 > mycontainername.tar.gz
To detach after attach, use Ctrl + p + q (maintain Ctrl, then type p then q).
To set a specific ip address to a container on the docker bridge :
sudo docker run --name=cont1 --privileged -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
sudo docker start cont1
sudo docker exec cont1 ifconfig eth0 netmask up
To set mac address, use :
===== Script to analyse logs by regrouping similar lines =====
This is a home made script I made to analyse generically logs. It regroups lines by similarity considering a ratio given by the user and save results. It is in beta, use it with precaution.
# Generic Log analyser v1.0
# Zaft
# To use this script, set the logfile name and location,
# and adjust 'match' variable between 0 and 1 (0.7 and 0.8 are good)
logfile = input('Enter log file position (ex "/var/log/auth.log", do not forget brackets) :\n')
match = input('Enter sensibility value (match factor), between 0 and 1 (0.6 to 0.7 is a good starting range of values) :\n')
# Import sys
import sys
# Import and define sequence matcher
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
def similar(a, b):
return SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).ratio()
# Open log file
with open (logfile, "r" ) as myfile:
data = myfile.readlines()
# Allocate memory
datasize = len(data)
data_tag = range(datasize)
knowndata_s = range(datasize) # more than needed, to be optimized
knowndata_tot = range(datasize) # same
# Init first patern
knowndatasize = 1
knowndata_s[0] = data[0]
knowndata_tot[0] = 1
flag = 0
c = 0
print 'Analysing.... ',
# Loop on all lines of file
for i in range (1,datasize):
# Check if data is already registered as patern
# Loop on all already known patern
for j in range (0,knowndatasize):
if similar(data[i],knowndata_s[j]) > match: # 0.8 seems good for auth.log
# Data already known, increment and skip to next data
knowndata_tot[j] = knowndata_tot[j] + 1
data_tag[i] = j
flag = 1
# Data not already registered, create a new patern
if flag == 0:
knowndata_s[knowndatasize] = data[i]
knowndata_tot[knowndatasize] = 1
data_tag[i] = knowndatasize
knowndatasize = knowndatasize + 1
flag = 0
# Display work in progress
if c == 20:
elif c == 40:
elif c == 60:
elif c == 80:
c = 0
c = c + 1
print '\b\b done!'
print 'Sorting results.... ',
knowndata_tag = range(knowndatasize)
# Sort results for display only
knowndata_tot_d, knowndata_s_d = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(knowndata_tot[0:knowndatasize], knowndata_s[0:knowndatasize]))))
knowndata_tot_d, knowndata_tag_d = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(knowndata_tot[0:knowndatasize], knowndata_tag[0:knowndatasize]))))
print '\b\b done!'
# Print results
print "########################################################"
print "############# Found ",knowndatasize," different paterns"
print "#####"
for j in range (0,knowndatasize):
print "----> tag :",knowndata_tag_d[j]," found ",knowndata_tot_d[j], " time(s) : ", knowndata_s_d[j]
# Extract desired tag for lvl 2 analysis
#while exit
print "What do you want to do ?"
print "0 . Redo analysis with a different match parameter"
print "1 . Lvl 2 analysis (redo analysis on part or previous analysis to expand a specific part)"
print "2 . Purge log from specific lines and write result to file"
#print " Note : you can redo an analysis on this file after with a different match parameter to expand"
value = input(" Note : you can redo an analysis on this file after with a different match parameter to expand\n" )
if value == 2:
flag = 0
data_tag_remove = range(knowndatasize)
rm = 0
data_tag_remove[0] = input("Which tag do you want to remove ?\n" )
while flag == 0:
value = input("Which tag do you also want to remove ? (-1 to print current state, -2 validate and write)\n" )
if value == -2:
flag = 1
elif value == -1:
print "########################################################"
print "############# Update"
print "#####"
print "Tags to be removed :",data_tag_remove[0:rm]
print "To be written :"
for j in range (0,knowndatasize):
flag1 = 0
for i in range (0,rm+1):
if knowndata_tag_d[j] == data_tag_remove[i]:
flag1 = 1
if flag1 == 0:
print "tag :",knowndata_tag_d[j]," found ",knowndata_tot_d[j], " time(s) : ", knowndata_s_d[j]
rm = rm + 1
data_tag_remove[rm] = value
filename = input('Enter file name and position (ex : "/home/sphen/log.out" , do not forget brackets) :\n')
print 'Writing to file.... ',
with open (filename, "w" ) as myfile2:
for i in range (0,datasize):
flag = 0
for j in range (0,rm+1):
if data_tag[i] == data_tag_remove[j]:
flag = 1
if flag == 0:
print '\b\b done!'
elif value == 1:
l2_tag = input("Which tag for lvl 2 analysis ?\n" )
print "Which match for lvl 2 analysis ? Must be > ",match
l2_match = input("\n" )
c = 0
# Extract lvl 2 data from lvl 1 data
l2_datasize = knowndata_tot[l2_tag]
l2_data = range(l2_datasize)
for i in range (0,datasize):
if data_tag[i] == l2_tag:
l2_data[c] = data[i]
c = c + 1
l2_knowndata_s = range(l2_datasize) # more than needed, to be optimized
l2_knowndata_tot = range(l2_datasize) # same
# Init first patern
l2_knowndatasize = 1
l2_knowndata_s[0] = l2_data[0]
l2_knowndata_tot[0] = 1
c = 0
print 'Analysing l2.... ',
for i in range (1,l2_datasize):
# Check if data is already registered as patern
# Loop on all already known patern
for j in range (0,l2_knowndatasize):
if similar(l2_data[i],l2_knowndata_s[j]) > l2_match: # 0.9 seems good for auth.log
# Data already known, increment and skip to next data
l2_knowndata_tot[j] = l2_knowndata_tot[j] + 1
flag = 1
# Data not already registered, create a new patern
if flag == 0:
l2_knowndata_s[l2_knowndatasize] = l2_data[i]
l2_knowndata_tot[l2_knowndatasize] = 1
l2_knowndatasize = l2_knowndatasize + 1
flag = 0
# Display work in progress
if c == 4:
elif c == 8:
elif c == 12:
elif c == 16:
c = 0
c = c + 1
print '\b\b done!'
print 'Sorting results l2.... ',
# Sort results for display only
l2_knowndata_tot_d, l2_knowndata_s_d = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(l2_knowndata_tot[0:l2_knowndatasize], l2_knowndata_s[0:l2_knowndatasize]))))
print '\b\b done!'
# Print results
print "###############################"
print "# Found ",l2_knowndatasize," different paterns"
print "###############################"
for j in range (0,l2_knowndatasize):
print " found ",l2_knowndata_tot_d[j], " time(s) : ", l2_knowndata_s_d[j]
===== gstack =====
To display the instruction stack presently used by a process (let's say 23478), very usefull to detect dead lock in parallel computation :
gstack 23478
===== Compress - Extract =====
Unzip an archive file :
*.tar.bz2 : tar xvjf
*.tar.gz : tar xvzf
*.tar.xz : tar Jxvf
*.bz2 : bunzip2 or bzip2 -dk
*.rar : unrar x
*.gz : gunzip
*.tar : tar xvf
*.tbz2 : tar xvjf
*.tgz : tar xvzf
*.zip : unzip
*.Z : uncompress
*.7z : 7z x
The -dk prevent the command to removing the original file after extraction. If you want it to be deleted, use only -d.
Zip to a tar.gz file :
tar cvzf file.tar.gz myfoldertozip
===== Tool Scripts =====
* __**Find biggest directories and files (sorting and good display) :**__
du -k | sort -n | perl -ne 'if ( /^(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); printf ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x (1.5*$l),$2);}'
* __**Find 10 latest modified files inside a directory :**__
Without taking files with spaces inside names (faster)
find $1 -type f | xargs stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
With spaces :
find $1 -type f -exec stat --format '%Y :%y %n' {} \; | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- | head
* __**Replace a string in multiple files :**__
Want to replace /opt/softs by /newopt/newsofts in all files in this repertory :
sed -i 's/\/opt\/softs/\/newopt\/newsofts/g' *
===== Script at boot on Debian =====
===== Install msi =====
msiexec /i 7z920-x64.msi
===== Mount ISO =====
mount -o loop /home/gg/my.iso /cdrom
===== Reduce swap usage on Ubuntu =====
This modification is important, especialy if you use Virtual Machines.
Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf and add :
# Decrease swap usage to a reasonable level
# Improve cache management
At end of file. Reboot.
===== Produce patch from diff and apply it=====
diff -u0 -Nr file1 file2 > patch.txt
patch file3 < patch.txt