====== VM Core setup ====== ===== Tools ===== Check host capabilities for Qemu-KVM : virt-host-validate And for details about what host can handle : virsh capabilities ===== Using VirtualBox ===== Now, we will create a bridge on our primary hypervisor //batman//, so that all our VM can be reached easily from the network. Install needed packages: yum install bridge-utils tunctl cd to network configuration files directory **/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts**, and create the bridge file **ifcfg-br0** : DEVICE=br0 TYPE=Bridge BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= ONBOOT=yes STP=on NETMASK= And configure local enp0s3 interface to use the bridge, edit **ifcfg-enp0s3** : TYPE=Ethernet BOOTPROTO=static NAME=enp0s3 DEVICE=enp0s3 ONBOOT=yes IPV6INIT=no BRIDGE=br0 NETMASK= Reboot the hypervisor to apply changes. At next login, install the following packages, we will need them to install VirtualBox : yum install gcc g++ make bitmap-fangsongti-fonts kernel-devel xauth Then do a manual rpm installation for virtualbox (using the manually downloaded package), using yum to keep dependencies : yum localinstall VirtualBox-5.0-5.0.6_103037_el7-1.x86_64.rpm Now, ssh using -X -C, and launch VirtualBox (virtualbox). You can here create your VM and manage them. When configuring a VM, choose bridged mode, and choose our bridge br0. Now, install your first VM. Add a network interface on bridge br0. Call it **base1**, use the centos minimal cd, and boot. Choose minimal install (it will become our base vm that we will clone). When the OS is installed you can clone it, this will become our base for other VM (instead of reinstalling centos each time). First clone will be the dhcp server: **dhcp1**.