====== Benchmarking the cluster ====== ===== IO Benchmarks ===== ==== dd ==== ==== iozone ==== Dowload on sourceforge, then build it using (need gcc and make) : cd src; cd current make linux-AMD64 The execute iozone using: ./iozone [options] /directory/to/write/to/for/bench Now to use the tool, here are the options I used : * **-i** : test to use (if not specified, all of them). Tests are: 0=write/rewrite\\ 1=read/re-read\\ 2=random-read/write\\ 3=Read-backwards\\ 4=Re-write-record\\ 5=stride-read\\ 6=fwrite/re-fwrite\\ 7=fread/Re-fread\\ 8=random mix\\ 9=pwrite/Re-pwrite\\ 10=pread/Re-pread\\ 11=pwritev/Re-pwritev\\ 12=preadv/Re-preadv\\ * **-r** : block size. I use **-r 8k** * **-s** : file size. I use **-s 20G** to avoid cache effects * **-t** : number of threads to use. Depend of your needs. Most of the time, the number of CPU cores, to simulate an MPI/OpenMP run writing * **-a** : do all the standard sizes/block combinations for this test, replace -s and -r * **-b** : provide the results in an xls file to plot graphs, **-b resultst.xls** Example: ./iozone -i 0 -t 5 -r 8k -s 20G /scratch/testdir Results looks like this: Children see throughput for 5 initial writers = 1345777.16 KB/sec Parent sees throughput for 5 initial writers = 1302776.63 KB/sec Min throughput per process = 264557.00 KB/sec Max throughput per process = 273910.25 KB/sec Avg throughput per process = 269155.43 KB/sec Min xfer = 20255392.00 KB External links :\\ http://socorro.readthedocs.org/en/latest/development/diskperformancetests.html\\ http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/05/iozone-examples/