====== Gnu tools ======
===== tail =====
Display last 20 lines of a file:
tail -20 myfile.txt
===== awk =====
===== head =====
Display first line :
head -1
Display two first lines :
head -2
===== sed =====
remove last "character" found in a line (here : ,):
sed 's/\(.*\),/\1/'
Remove blanck lines :
sed '/^$/d'
Replace a value after a pattern :
For example, to replace the integer after the string my_string in file myfile :
my_string : 40
Here no -i, only to test and show what will be modified. Note that \s+ means "space" or "multiple spaces", in case of user add a space somewhere.
sed -re "s/(my_string\s+:\s+)[^=]*$/\1 $mynewvalue/" myfile
Add -i to apply directly in the file :
sed -i -re "s/(my_string\s+:\s+)[^=]*$/\1 $mynewvalue/" myfile
From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19737398/sed-how-to-replace-a-string-found-after-a-specific-pattern-is-located-in-a-file