There are multiple dialog boxes tools. Choice mainly depend on features you need.
Very light, go with Whiptail. More advanced (file explorer, date/time, file editor, forms, etc), but still simple, go with Dialog. Advanced (like GUI with multiple windows, menu, etc), go with Newt.
Whiptail is used directly from bash.
Example is better than words sometime:
while true; do choice=$(whiptail --title "Choose dialog to open" --menu "Please choose a dialog to open" 0 0 0 \ "1" "inputbox" \ "2" "yesno" \ "3" "msgbox" \ "4" "passwordbox" \ "5" "gauge" \ "6" "textbox" \ "7" "exit" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case "$choice" in 1) inputboxresult=$(whiptail --inputbox "This is an inputbox" --title "inputbox" 0 0 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) echo $inputboxresult ;; 2) whiptail --yesno "This is a yesno box" --title "yesno" 0 0 echo $? ;; 3) whiptail --msgbox "This is a msgbox" --title "msgbox" 0 0 echo $? ;; 4) passwordboxresult=$(whiptail --passwordbox "This is a passwordbox" --title "passwordbox" 0 0 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) echo $passwordboxresult ;; 5) ( cat <<EOF XXX 10 This is step one... XXX EOF touch myfile > /dev/null sleep 1s cat <<EOF XXX 70 This is step two... XXX EOF touch myfile > /dev/null sleep 1s cat <<EOF XXX 100 This is step three... XXX EOF sleep 1 ) | whiptail --gauge "Please wait..." 6 50 0 ;; 6) echo "hello" > /tmp/myfile echo "world" >> /tmp/myfile echo "!" >> /tmp/myfile whiptail --textbox --scrolltext /tmp/myfile 20 0 echo $? ;; 7) break ;; esac done
Good documentation:
Dialog is used directly from bash. On most distributions, you need to install dialog (yum install dialog). Dialog syntax is very close to Whiptail.
Example is better than words sometime:
while true; do choice=$(dialog --backtitle "My dialog example" --title "Choose dialog to open" --menu "Please choose a dialog to open" 0 50 0 \ "1" "inputbox" \ "2" "yesno" \ "3" "msgbox" \ "4" "passwordbox" \ "5" "gauge" \ "6" "textbox" \ "7" "exit" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) case "$choice" in 1) inputboxresult=$(dialog --backtitle "My dialog example" --title "inputbox" --inputbox "This is an inputbox" 8 50 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) echo $inputboxresult ;; 2) dialog --ascii-lines --backtitle "My dialog example" --title "yesno" --yesno "This is a yesno box" 6 50 echo $? ;; 3) dialog --colors --backtitle "My dialog example" --title "msgbox" --msgbox "This \Zb\Z1is a msg\Znbox" 6 50 echo $? ;; 4) passwordboxresult=$(dialog --backtitle "My dialog example" --title "passwordbox" --passwordbox "This is a passwordbox" 8 50 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) echo $passwordboxresult ;; 5) ( cat <<EOF XXX 10 This is step one... XXX EOF touch myfile > /dev/null sleep 1s cat <<EOF XXX 70 This is step two... XXX EOF touch myfile > /dev/null sleep 1s cat <<EOF XXX 100 This is step three... XXX EOF sleep 1 ) | dialog --backtitle "My dialog example" --gauge "Please wait..." 7 50 0 ;; 6) echo "hello" > /tmp/myfile echo "world" >> /tmp/myfile echo "!" >> /tmp/myfile dialog --backtitle "My dialog example" --textbox /tmp/myfile 20 0 echo $? ;; 7) break ;; esac done
Note: if you get strange characters instead of lines and you are using putty on windows, use –ascci-lines for each dialog command, or before opening ssh, go into putty configuration, then in Connection → Data, change Terminalt-type string from xterm to linux. Ensure also that in Window → Translation, UTF-8 is used.
Good documentation:
Newt is based on C language, but is very powerfull.
First install some packages (here on centos):
yum install newt newt-devel slang-devel
Then an ugly example would be:
#include <newt.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { void * result; struct partition * curr; newtInit(); newtCls(); newtDrawRootText(0, 0, "My manager"); newtDrawRootText(4, 4, "This is a test manager"); newtDrawRootText(4, 6, "All actions done here are logged in /var/log/manager.log"); newtComponent win1, form, b1, b2, listbox; win1 = newtOpenWindow(10, 10, 80, 30, "Button Sample"); b1 = newtButton(10, 9, "Ok"); b2 = newtButton(22, 9, "Cancel"); listbox= newtListbox(10,15,2, NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT); newtListboxAppendEntry(listbox, "do nothing" , "1"); newtListboxAppendEntry(listbox, "touch file" , "2"); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtFormAddComponents(form, b1, b2, listbox, NULL); newtRunForm(form); result = newtListboxGetCurrent(listbox); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); newtFinished(); const char * toto=result; printf("%c\n",*toto); printf("%p\n",result); if ( toto == "2" ) {int status = system("touch /tmp/testr");} }
To build it:
gcc -o test.out test.c -lnewt
Full documentation can be found at:
To get more informations on functions: