program CG
! Conjugate Gradient
! Solve 1D heat equation
! Solve A T = 0, with A the matrix corresponding to the laplacian
! Heat equation : dT/dt = alpha d^2 T/dx^2
! When converged, dT/dt = 0, the equation becomes : 0 = alpha d^2 T/dx^2 <--> 0 = d^2 T/dx^2
! Numericaly, this means : (T(i+1)-2.0*T(i)+T(i-1)) * 1/(Dx*Dx) = 0 <--> A T = 0 with the matrix A, a diagonal symetric positiv definit matrix
! The matrix is like :
! -2/(dx*dx)   1/(dx*dx)     0           0           0          0          ....
!  1/(dx*dx)   -2/(dx*dx)    1/(dx*dx)   0           0          0          ....
!  0            1/(dx*dx)	-2/(dx*dx)   1/(dx*dx)   0          0          ....
!  0		    0            1/(dx*dx)  -2/(dx*dx)   1/(dx*dx)  0          ....
!  0		    0            0           1/(dx*dx)  -2/(dx*dx)  1/(dx*dx)  0
! etc
	use mpi
	implicit none
	integer, parameter :: ndim = 1
	real(8), dimension(1:ndim) :: Lx,Dx,InvDxDx
	integer, dimension(1:ndim) :: Nx,Global_Nx
	real(8) :: beta, rho, rho0, gam, sum_rho, sum_gam, max_Residue
	integer :: n,i
	real(8), allocatable, dimension(:) :: T,Residue,p,q
	integer :: rank, nb_mpi_processes, ierror, tag, statu(MPI_STATUS_SIZE),niter
	real(8), dimension(:), allocatable :: Field,Field_buff
	character(len=4) :: charbuff
	integer, dimension(1) :: nb_process_axe     ! number of processes per axe of cartesian topology
	logical, dimension(1) :: cart_boundaries    ! Type of boundaries : .true. -> periodic, .false. -> non periodic
	integer :: MPI_COMM_CART                    ! our new communicator
	integer, dimension(1) :: cart_position, pos ! position of process on the cartesian topology ( and pos a buffer )
	integer, dimension(-1:1) :: cart_neigh      ! neigbours rank on the cartesian topology
	tag = 7777
	call MPI_INIT( ierror )
	call MPI_COMM_SIZE( MPI_COMM_WORLD , nb_mpi_processes , ierror )
	call MPI_COMM_RANK( MPI_COMM_WORLD , rank , ierror )
	if(nb_mpi_processes /= 4) stop 'This program is design to be run with 4 processes only'
	nb_process_axe(1) = 4
	cart_boundaries(1) = .false.
	call MPI_CART_CREATE( MPI_COMM_WORLD , ndim , nb_process_axe(1:ndim) , &
	                    & cart_boundaries(1:ndim) , .true. , MPI_COMM_CART , ierror )
	call MPI_CART_COORDS( MPI_COMM_CART , rank , ndim , cart_position(1:ndim) , ierror )
	! Starting from 2009, MPI does not return MPI_PROC_NULL when calling to a position outside the domain
	! You need to do it yourself, removing one of the greatest aspects of this type of communicator...
	do i=-1,1
		if((cart_boundaries(1) .eqv. .false.) .AND. &
		& ((cart_position(1) == 0 .AND. i==-1) .OR. (cart_position(1) == nb_process_axe(1)-1) .AND. i==1)) then
			cart_neigh(i) = MPI_PROC_NULL
			pos(1) = cart_position(1) + i
			call MPI_CART_RANK( MPI_COMM_CART , pos(1:ndim) , cart_neigh(i) , ierror )
		end if
	end do
	! Global Variables
	Global_Nx(1) = 100
	Lx(:) = 0.1
	Dx(:) = Lx(:)/((Global_Nx(:)-1)*1.0)
	InvDxDx(:) = 1.0/(Dx(:)*Dx(:))
	! Local Variables
	if(modulo(Global_Nx(1),nb_mpi_processes) /= 0) stop "Error, number of points cannot be divided by the number of processes. STOP."
	Nx(1) = Global_Nx(1)/nb_mpi_processes
	! Initial Solution
	T(1:Nx(1)) = 0.0
	if(rank == 0) T(0) = 10.0
	if(rank == nb_mpi_processes-1) T(Nx(1)+1) = -1.0
	! Initialisation
	! Recv left, send right
	call MPI_SENDRECV ( T(Nx(1)) , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(1)  , tag , &
	                  & T(0)     , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(-1) , tag , MPI_COMM_CART , statu , ierror )
	! Recv right, send left
	call MPI_SENDRECV ( T(1)       , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(-1) , tag , &
	                  & T(Nx(1)+1) , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(1)  , tag , MPI_COMM_CART , statu , ierror )
	do i=1,Nx(1)
		Residue(i) = - (T(i+1)-2.0*T(i)+T(i-1)) * InvDxDx(1)
	end do
	p(:) = 0.0
	beta = 0.0
	rho = 0.0
	do i=1,Nx(1)
		rho = rho + Residue(i)*Residue(i)
	end do
	call MPI_ALLREDUCE ( rho , sum_rho , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , MPI_SUM , MPI_COMM_WORLD , ierror)
	! Prefer not using the buffer variable in calculations (sum_rho, sum_gam, etc) to avoid mistakes. It will not cost more, and it is more secure.
	rho = sum_rho
	! Iteration
	n = 0
		n = n + 1
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			p(i) = Residue(i) + beta * p(i)
		end do
		! Matrix Operation : q = A p
		call MPI_SENDRECV ( p(Nx(1)) , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(1)  , tag , &
		                  & p(0)     , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(-1) , tag , MPI_COMM_CART , statu , ierror )
		! Recv right, send left
		call MPI_SENDRECV ( p(1)       , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(-1) , tag , &
		                  & p(Nx(1)+1) , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , cart_neigh(1)  , tag , MPI_COMM_CART , statu , ierror )
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			q(i) = (p(i+1)-2.0*p(i)+p(i-1)) * InvDxDx(1)
		end do
		gam = 0.0
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			gam = gam + p(i)*q(i)
		end do
		call MPI_ALLREDUCE ( gam , sum_gam , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , MPI_SUM , MPI_COMM_WORLD , ierror)
		! Prefer not using the buffer variable in calculations (sum_rho, sum_gam, etc) to avoid mistakes. It will not cost more, and it is more secure.
		gam = sum_gam
		gam = rho / gam
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			T(i) = T(i) + gam * p(i)
		end do
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			Residue(i) = Residue(i) - gam * q(i)
		end do
		! Test if Residue is < 1.e-7 so that solution is converged
		call MPI_ALLREDUCE ( maxval(abs(Residue(1:Nx(1)))) , max_Residue , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , MPI_MAX , MPI_COMM_WORLD , ierror)
		if(max_Residue < 1e-7) exit ! Converged Solution
		if(rank==0) write(*,*) "CG step ",n,"Residue",max_Residue
		rho0 = rho ! Save old rho value
		rho = 0.0
		do i=1,Nx(1)
			rho = rho + Residue(i)*Residue(i)
		end do
		call MPI_ALLREDUCE ( rho , sum_rho , 1 , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION , MPI_SUM , MPI_COMM_WORLD , ierror)
		! Prefer not using the buffer variable in calculations (sum_rho, sum_gam, etc) to avoid mistakes. It will not cost more, and it is more secure.
		rho = sum_rho
		beta = rho / rho0
	end do
	write(*,*) "Solution converged in ", n ,"Iterations, with a res of ", max_Residue
	! Solution plot
	! Last write
	write(charbuff,'(I4.4)') rank
	do i=1,10
		write(10,*) i+(rank*10),T(i)
	end do
end program CG
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Conjugate Gradient
// Solve 1D heat equation
// Solve A T = 0, with A the matrix corresponding to the laplacian
// Heat equation : dT/dt = alpha d^2 T/dx^2
// When converged, dT/dt = 0, the equation becomes : 0 = alpha d^2 T/dx^2 <--> 0 = d^2 T/dx^2
// Numericaly, this means : (T(i+1)-2.0*T(i)+T(i-1)) * 1/(Dx*Dx) = 0 <--> A T = 0 with the matrix A, a diagonal symetric positiv definit matrix
// The matrix is like :
// -2/(dx*dx)   1/(dx*dx)       0               0               0               0               ....
// 1/(dx*dx)    -2/(dx*dx)      1/(dx*dx)       0               0               0               ....
// 0            1/(dx*dx)       -2/(dx*dx)      1/(dx*dx)       0               0               ....
// 0            0               1/(dx*dx)       -2/(dx*dx)      1/(dx*dx)       0               ....
// 0            0               0               1/(dx*dx)       -2/(dx*dx)      1/(dx*dx)       0
// etc
	int    i, n, Nx, ndim = 1;
	double Lx, Dx, InvDxDx;
	double beta, rho, rho0, gam, maxResidut;
	double *T, *Residut, *p, *q; // pointers
	FILE   *f;
	Nx      = 100;
	Lx      = 0.1;
	Dx      = Lx / ((Nx -1) * 1.0);
	InvDxDx = 1.0 / (Dx * Dx);
	T       = (double*)malloc((Nx +1) * sizeof(double));
	Residut = (double*)malloc((Nx +1) * sizeof(double));
	p       = (double*)malloc((Nx +1) * sizeof(double));
	q       = (double*)malloc((Nx +1) * sizeof(double)); 
	// Initial Solution
	T[0] = 10;
	for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
		T[i] = 0.0;
	T[Nx] = -1.0;
	// Initialisation
	for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
		Residut[i] = -( T[i +1] - 2.0 * T[i] + T[i -1] ) * InvDxDx;
	for(i = 0; i < Nx +1; ++i)
 		p[i] = 0.0;
	beta = 0.0;
	rho  = 0.0;
	for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
		rho += Residut[i] * Residut[i];
	// Iteration
	n = 0;
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			p[i] = Residut[i] + beta * p[i];
 		// Matrix Operation : q = A p
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			q[i] = (p[i +1] - 2.0 * p[i] + p[i -1]) * InvDxDx;
		gam = 0.0;
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			gam = gam + p[i] * q[i];
		gam = rho / gam;
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			T[i] = T[i] + gam * p[i];
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			Residut[i] = Residut[i] - gam * q[i];
		// find maxResidut
		maxResidut = 0;
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			if(fabs(Residut[i]) > maxResidut)
				maxResidut = fabs(Residut[i]);
		// Test if residut is < 1.e-7 so that solution is converged
		if(maxResidut < 1e-7)
			break;  // Converged Solution
		printf("CG step %d, maxResidut %lf.\n", n, maxResidut);			
		rho0 = rho; // Save old rho value
		rho  = 0.0;
		for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
			rho += Residut[i] * Residut[i];
		beta = rho / rho0;
	printf("Solution converged in %d iterations, with a residut of %lf\n", n, maxResidut);
	// Solution plot
	f = fopen("out-GC.dat", "w");
	for(i = 1; i < Nx; ++i)
		fprintf(f, "%d %lf", Dx * (i -1), T[i]); 
	return 0;